Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:47 pm Sonolab 196 - Livestream / On Demand Stream
Have been on a serious melodic EM kick lately and besides that have collected some very interesting Youtube videos including some stunning electronic music. I collect these in a playlist which you can find here:
So this is the music of tonight's episode of Sonolab:
* Tranceport - Night Geometry
from the album Tranceglobal (label: Surreal To Real)
* Eloy Fritsch - Andromeda
from the album Past And Future Sounds (label: Musea)
* Hemisphere - Human Victims
from the album Intruders (label: CUE Records)
* Kebu - To Jupiter And Back
from his Youtube Channel: Kebunator
* Alpha Wave Movement - Pulse
from the album Joint Efforts (label: EMProductions)
* Gattobus - Meditation
from his Youtube Channel: Gattobus
* Ian Boddy - Atlantis
from the album Drive (label: Surreal To Real)
If you want to listen live then check in around 19:00 (Central European Time) and click on "Live Stream" which you can find in the left column of the screen. However, the whole show is also available within minutes after 20:00 as an On Demand Screen. For that click on Sonolab in the list of programs in the middle of the screen. A second window will open up (might be that you have to accept that through your pop-up killer) and the show starts (with a bit of that evenings 19:00 hours news first).
Check in if you have the time and let me know what you think of the show. _________________ Christian Bekhuis
"Remember what's been given, not taken away" - by Brett Kull (Echolyn)