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 Sonolab 208 - Livestream / On Demand Stream

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:53 pm    Sonolab 208 - Livestream / On Demand Stream Reply with quoteBack to top

OK, something very different this week but I think some of you might enjoy this a lot. Simeon Ten Holt is one of Holland's most revered 'modern' composers. He dabbled with 12 tone and serial music but in the end returned to fully tonal music dealing with "tonality after the death of tonality". His music could be called minimal music but it is interesting to note that he came to his music without much knowledge of some the big names within this field of music (Reich, Riley, Glass, Feldman etc.). Most of his compositions are large scale pieces for multiple keyboards (mostly pianos) and leave a great deal of freedom to the performers not only when it comes to tempo and dynamics but most importantly in how the piece evolves. Lot of his pieces are a collection of tonally related cells that can be repeated at will. So you get situations where one piano still plays section 1 where as piano 2 has already moved on to section 2 etc. etc.

Ten Holt's most famous piece is Canto Ostinato which to this day still gets regularly performance over here and one of the first recordings of it is still one of the biggest sellers in classical music ever here in the Netherlands. More information about him can be found on his website:


Tonight I will feature part 1 of another major multiple piano piece (in this case 4 grand pianos) called Lemniscaat. It's layering of rhythms and melodic fragments comes very close to some of the sequencer workouts acts like Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schulze where so famous for in the 70s.

How can I listen to the show? Go here


If you want to listen live then check in around 19:00 (Central European Time) and click on "Live Stream" which you can find in the left column of the screen. However, the whole show is also available within minutes after 20:00 as an On Demand Stream. For that click on Sonolab in the list of programs in the middle of the screen. A second window will open up (might be that you have to accept that through your pop-up killer) and the show starts (with a bit of that evenings 19:00 hours news first).

Check in if you have the time and let me know what you think of the show.

Christian Bekhuis
"Remember what's been given, not taken away" - by Brett Kull (Echolyn)

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